• Islamic Shia Ithna-Asheri Association Ottawa
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July 30th to August 8th - 1st Ashra of Muharram, in person majalis by Maulana Syed Abul Qasim Rizvi Sahab (Australia).
July 30th to August 8th - 1st Ashra of Muharram, in person majalis by Maulana Syed Abul Qasim Rizvi Sahab (Australia).

1st Ashra e Muharram 1446 (2024)

Muharram (1446) 2024 Program Details

Brothers and Sisters, Salamun Alekum,        

Following is the schedule of majalis for Muharram 1446 AH (2024):

Program schedule:

7:00 pm: Hadees e Kisa 

7:10 pm: Salam and Marsiya

7:40 pm: Majlis (English/Urdu) by Maulana Syed Iftikhar Abid Naqvi – Montreal 

8:40 pm: Noha/Matam

9:15 pm: Salat ul Maghreban 

Recitation of Salaam or Noha

Should you like to recite during Muharram programs, you are requested to speak to Br. Mudassir Syed (in Gents) and Sr. Rahat ( in ladies). We will do our best to accommodate your request. Please provide the kalaam (poetry) you decide to recite to avoid any duplication amongst reciters. 

Chair Lady:

Sister Rubia is out of town during Muharram, Sister Rahat Hassanali has graciously accepted to step in as acting chair lady while Sister Rubia is away.

Ladies Finance Secretary: 

Sister Nosheen Sherazi will be the ladies’ finance secretary during the first 12 days of Muharram. 


We need sponsors for these Muharram majalis to cover hadya. Each majlis needs two sponsors with $350 per sponsor share or one sponsor for $700. If you want to sponsor part or full majlis on a given date, please contact our treasurer Br. Syed Kashif Alamdar (in the gents’ section) and Sister Nosheen in the ladies’ section.

If you want to sponsor majlis Tabarruk (on brother’s section or sister’s section or both sections) on any given night, please contact our treasurer or chair lady to secure your pledge. Please contact us sooner so that we can plan better distribution of the tabarruk sponsorship.

Volunteer Activities:

If you want to volunteer in majalis like tabarruk distribution, parking lot help, etc, please contact EC appointed Volunteer coordinator (Syed Kashif Alamdar) in advance so that he can allocate the resources in the best possible way to maximize the benefits. We will not encourage anyone to assign themselves a task to carry out volunteer activities. Therefore, it is imperative that you must speak to Br. Kashif, if you decide to assist as a volunteer .


We will have our volunteers available in the parking lot during program hours and rush times. We request you to please coordinate with them and follow their guidance regarding the parking in order to make optimal use of our parking facility.

At all times , please DO NOT park in the space designated for DISABLED or the first spot in front of the men’s entrance door (which is for Maulana Parking).

Exit on time:

We request everyone to please leave as soon as the Majlis is over (with Salat ul Maghrib) so volunteers can clean the Imambargah for the next Majlis.

Waste Management:

We encourage everyone to bring your own bottles and cutlery to lessen the burden on landfills and to have a positive impact on the environment. This will also result in less work for volunteers.


Parents with children are requested to monitor their child(ren) at all times. 


We request everyone to please do not sit in the Azakhana. We have seen wear and tear in men’s section of Azakhana. We request your cooperation to maintain the serenity of the Azakhana.


We will have our team of volunteers both upstairs and downstairs, and we humbly request you to please listen to their advice/guidance during the programs.

In case of any disagreement or inconvenience, we request you to bring matter to one of ISIA executives for quick and smooth resolution.

Please note that the EC has agreed that aggressive behavior will not be tolerated and reasonable actions will be taken in case of a misadventure to maintain the serenity of the Imambargah.

Your timely arrival will help us start and finish our program on time, too , IA . In an unlikely case of a program delay or going a little overtime, we request your co-operation, patience, and understanding.

We request you to financially help Imambargah to sustain quality programs, particularly in Muharram and throughout the year in general.

Thanks, and JazakAllah

ISIA Ottawa

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